Why Irregular Periods Results In Lighter Than Normal Menstrual Bleeding Along With Missing Periods
It could be due to hormonal imbalance
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear,
Thanks for trusting us about your health care.
I have gone through your history and understand your concerns.
As per your description these symptoms could be due to hormonal imbalance caused by age( perimenopausal stage)
But as you missed your period it could be an anovulatory cycle.
Your irregular period could be due to cyst or it could be due to hormonal imbalance caused by perimenopausal stage.
Pain could be due to cyst and can come and go .
Hemorrhagic cyst can increase in size,so follow up CT scan is required in your case or you can go for repeat ultrasound.
Get your thyroid profile and hemoglobin test also.
Hope found useful,feel free to ask more information.
Good luck
Yes you can wait.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your reply.
Yes,you can wait for a month if your pain is bearable and not much.
Yes,these are usually benign cyst,main problem with these cyst are pain and torsion due to increase in size and rupture of cyst.
Hope found useful
No need to worry about it.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for reply.
These light period due to hormonal imbalance either cause by age or hemorrhagic cyst, so no need to worry about it.
Hope found useful