Why My 5 Year Old Son Snores In The Night?
Detailed answer below.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the query.I understand your concern.
Breathing through mouth in day time is suggestive of adeniditis( enlarged adenoids) , caused by allergy,infection(viral or bacterial )or due to irritation by reflux of acidic gastric juice.
It seems to be more possible in your son as the child has past history of the problem&no other symptoms of cold except for clolgging of nose is seen.
As the adenoids agrow in child hood &mostly shrink at puberty...non symptomatic adenoids don't need any treatment.But here your child has fever,snoaring &mouth breathing...he needs to be attended by a medical practitioner.(as these thing do have effect on his physical growth, breathing pattern &facial shape due to the same.)
The treatment given depends on the possible cause...may range from nasal sprays,oral anti allergic,anti inflammatory or antibiotic medication as per need Or chronic conditions may need removal of adenoiditis.
*From this point of view your child needs local examination &needful investigations advised by his doctor..followed by specific management advised by the expert.
Till then he should be given syrup paracetamol after food ( for relief of fever).please let him take rest.avoid exposure to allergens like dust,smoke, cold.Let him take light ,nonspicy food &plenty of water.For clogged nose he can inhale vapor.
I hope that helps.Any follow up query is welcome.