Will I Be Able To Get A Disability Status From Social Security Due To My Low Testosterone Levels, Depression And Weakness?
I would have to say that it might be somewhat difficult to assign disability to having low testosterone and or depression. With that being said, it would not be impossible.
What has to be done is a comprehensive assessment of your functional status. This can generally be done by a involves alot of paperwork so as long as you are patient and read all of the documents which will be provided to you in the application process, you should do fine.
As you know, providing testosterone would place you at risk for stimulating a recurrence of your previously treated malignancy. I would seek the advice of a urologist and or oncologist on sppropriate options in light of your history.
I hope this has been helpful information for you and as always, I am available for followups if needed.
Best regards,
Dr. Robert Galamaga