Question: Hello Dr,
I am a 38 yr old female with six living children. I was given
Prometrium 100 mg daily at night. I had a rather sudden period in January without Prometrium. Then, in Feb, I took on the 100mg daily because it I was displaying symptoms of
estrogen dominance quite profoundly. In Feb, I had no period. I spotted for 3 days, so light and just brown, very little to even really mention of. Well, now I am in a quandary. I ovulated according to lh strips around 5 to 6 days ago. I feel well enough except for some sore nipples, but not the entire breast. I think that flooding of Saliva is also present. I'm usually so dehydrated. My spouse and I did have intercourse when the lh strips came up positive. I'm guessing I'm around 1 to 2 weeks if pregnant. My question is if I discontinue the Prometrium would it result in a spontaneous abortion? I'm wanting another child, my husband and I both. We do not want to cause harm to a
pregnancy. I've called multiple pharmacies and looked endlessly online and no one has an answer. I did take a Walgreen's pregnancy test and saw the faintest of faint blue line in the test window but I mistrust blue dyes. The reason I'm also asking is that my cheeks are
flushing, I feel pains in my ovaries and even twinges in my
uterus. I know you cannot tell me if I am pregnant or are not, but I would appreciate a great opinion on whether discontinuing the Prometrium would be safe for my unborn. I feel since I didn't have a period in February that if the
blastocyst were to implant in ''old blood'' it would be unhealthy? Also, does Prometrium suppress ovulation like a BCP? Maybe that is why I didn't have a period in February? I'm quite distraught and worried and also excited.