Yellowish Discharge From Penis, Burning Sensation. Took Zithromax, Doxycline. Tested Negative For STD. Cause And Remedy?
Thanks for your query.
Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you are passing yellowish discharge through urethra since three weeks which got cured almost completely with antibiotics.
The yellowish discharge that you have is excessive secretions of the glands located in urethra due to inflammation and infection.
Though both of you have done blood tests for STD and have been turned negative it is advisable to get culture and sensitivity of the urethral discharge (Fluid )done to find out organisms causing infection and the antibiotics to which they are sensitive to, so that you can take appropriate antibiotics to avoid recurrence of infection.
Please ensure to observe proper personal hygiene before performing sex and always have a protected sex.
Hope I have answered your query.
Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions, I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards.
Thanks for writing again.
This is unlikely to be due to yeast infection.
The reason for penile discharge is infection and it cannot be due to anything else.
Culture and sensitivity is more informative and will help in taking appropriate medication to avoid recurrence. So get it done when you get discharge again.
Hope I answered your query.
Wish you good health.
Thanks and Regards,