Erection Erectile Dysfunction
Please elaborate
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This is Dr Sameer.
Please elaborate your question. How long have you been suffering from it. Whether you have any anxiety or depression?
Whether you are a smoker?
What is your age and how long have you been married?
Do you have any children?
Remember that the most common cause of erectile dysfunction is performance anxiety. The person becomes too anxious that how will his performance be and this results in erectile dysfunction.
Smoking is other major cause.
So leave smoking and forget about what she will think or how long will you last or will you satisfy her or not. Just enjoy yourself. Give more time to foreplay. Change places which changes your mood.
I hope things will get better.
Thanks and regards
Try without medication first
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Welcome back.
I can understand that as soon as you try to enter, your election stops. This is typical of performance anxiety.
If you would be having erectile dysfunction than it would not erected anyway.
So you don't need any medication as of now.
Try some exercise preferably yoga to just calm yourself. Set the mood right, do more of foreplay. Drink enough water. Don't eat junk food. Relax your mind when you are doing it.
You can also ask your wife to take the lead and be on top.
Role play also acts positively.
Try these first. Any medication won't be effective for you. You just have to calm yourself first.
I hope these measures will definitely help you.
Thanks and regards
No need for any medication right now
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
You don't need any medication right now. First do all the things I told you, they must be beneficial.
Kindly follow up after 3 months of it.
If you still have problem, you will than need medicine.
Till then no medication for now.
Thanks and regards