Hi I Took A Famotidine 40mg Yesterday Before Hoing To
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for sending the question.
I understand that you took Famotidine 40 mg yesterday before going to bed. It would be unusual for this particular medication to contribute to nauseous feelings or vomiting.
I assume that you took this medication in light of the fact that you might've had some abdominal discomfort or acid reflux symptoms.
At the same time, it is possible that you have some type of sensitivity to this particular medication. Since that may be the case I would recommend that you stop taking this medication and consider some type of alternative.
You might talk to your local pharmacist who could recommend other options which might include Omeprazole 20 mg.
If you continue to have abdominal discomfort, nausea or vomiting then I would recommend that you discuss this with your primary care physician or make an appointment to see a local medical provider for a thorough physical examination, consultation and further recommendations regarding management of your current condition.
If you are not able to keep any food down and continue to vomit then I would recommend they go to your local emergency department for immediate evaluation.
Thank you again for sending the question.
Dr. Galamaga