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Can I Be At Risk Of HIV Due To The Fingering Or Kissing?

Posted on Thu, 8 Aug 2024
Question: To be answered by Dr XXXXXXX

Hi dr,

Hope you are doing well . I am a male and i am NOT very sexually active . However recently i met another male and we kissed . He also masturbated me and fingered me .
When i came home i noticed a small cut on my inner lip .
I am worried that i may be at risk of hiv due to the fingering or kissing . I am unaware of his status . Please advise . Thanks
Answered by Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (24 hours later)
Brief Answer:
Your HIV risk is negligible only.

Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting your query.
Kissing and Fingering are having negligible risk for HIV infection. Masturbation is a safe sexual activity only.
As you noticed a cut in your inner aspect of lip and as the status of the sex partner is not known, I will recommend you to have a Post Exposure Prophylaxis for 4 weeks if these activities are well within 72 hours till you start up the PEP. If already had been beyond 72 hours, not to worry, as your risk for HIV is negligible only. Wait and have a test for HIV test after the window period and you can rule out HIV.
DR S. Murugan
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Follow up: Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (56 minutes later)
Hi Dr,

Have you ever come across an hiv case from kissing , even in presence of a small cut ? Also is fingering a risky activity ?

I started PEP within 24 hours , tenvir EM once a day and Raltegravir 400 mg twice a day .

Am i at any risk ? Please let me know . I am worried . Thanks
Answered by Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (7 hours later)
Brief Answer:
You are safe with PEP

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
I didn't come across any case of HIV infection transmitted through either kissing or fingering in my practice of 35 years of HIV patients. I had come across cases of HIV infection got through tattoo and oral sex apart from anal and vaginal sex and blood transfusions.
It is good on your port that you are already on PEP (started within 24 hours). Nothing to worry about HIV infection. But you have to complete the course without any interruption. There are certain protocols to be followed for PEP and its follow up. It should be observed properly.
Dr S. Murugan
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Kampana
Follow up: Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (1 hour later)
hi doctor what are the protocols , i am having it daily as directed . What are the protocols ? I have stopped taking all vitamins and other medication coz i read somewhere tha it may interfere .

I have stopped any alcohol too .

I just take whey protein after my gym workout . Any other protocols to be followed ? Do i need to test ? Am i at any risk ?
Is pep usually warranted after such exposures. ? Request you to please advise .
Any other protocols to follow ?
Answered by Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (3 hours later)
Brief Answer:
PEP protocols should be observed strictly.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
PEP should be started by an expert after proper counselling about the importance of drug adherence and side effects etc. and about the role of PEP.
HIV test has to tested at baseline, after 6 weeks and 12 weeks and one after 6 months. If the baseline test was positive then there is no role for PEP. Only Treatment. Till 6 months, safe sex has to be advised and not to go for blood transfusion and organ donation. Regular follow ups are necessary after 6 weeks, 12 weeks and after 6 months once by the expert who prescribed the PEP.
These are protocols to be adhered.
Dr S.Murugan
Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Follow up: Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (39 minutes later)
Hi doctor ,

But you mentioned my risk is negligible and i jage also started pep . Is testing still required ?

Also are there any medicines /vitamins that interact with pep ? Do i need to stop all vitamins ? Is it okay to take whey protein ? Please advise . My anxiety is increasing
Answered by Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan (1 hour later)
Brief Answer:
No restrictions with food when you are on PEP.

Detailed Answer:
Welcome back.
Medicine is not mathematics to get constant answers.
Negligible risk is not equal to NIL risk.
PEP is reliable. Nothing is 100% guarantee. May be 99.5% safe. (They used to advise to start PEP as early as within 2-4 hours to get 100% success).
So it is always better to follow the protocols. Protocols are put forward after great research and studies by experts.
You can take vitamins and minerals, preferably not along with PEP drugs at the same time. PEP at night and vitamins can be taken after breakfast. no restrictions in your food along with PEP.
PEP cannot be taken as over the counter Medicine. It has to be taken under proper supervision.
Dr S.Murugan
Note: Get personalized answers to your HIV related queries You can choose to talk face to face with your doctor. Book a Video Call now.

Above answer was peer-reviewed by : Dr. Nagamani Ng
Answered by
Dr. Sankaranantham Murugan

HIV AIDS Specialist

Practicing since :1974

Answered : 3113 Questions


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Can I Be At Risk Of HIV Due To The Fingering Or Kissing?

Brief Answer: Your HIV risk is negligible only. Detailed Answer: Hi, Thanks for posting your query. Kissing and Fingering are having negligible risk for HIV infection. Masturbation is a safe sexual activity only. As you noticed a cut in your inner aspect of lip and as the status of the sex partner is not known, I will recommend you to have a Post Exposure Prophylaxis for 4 weeks if these activities are well within 72 hours till you start up the PEP. If already had been beyond 72 hours, not to worry, as your risk for HIV is negligible only. Wait and have a test for HIV test after the window period and you can rule out HIV. Thanks. DR S. Murugan