Look For Herbalist Pulsating In Head
look for herbalist pulsating in head
An examination is specialist is essential
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for contacting with your health concern and after reviewing your health query I’m of the following opinion:
1. although pulsation can be because of varied causes but As mentioned by you in your other question that it is POSITIONAL so it could be BPV (benign positional vertigo), [unless proved otherwise] as such you need to consult with an ENT Specialist who might check for any inner ear diaease as the cause of your symptom, also it could be simple tinnitus which has to be ruled out sideways
2. Some secondary factors which I as a Clinician will exclude is/are: diabetes, osteoporosis (calcium, vitamin D level), any remote heaf injury, or inner ear disease.
PS. please exclude the same
3. Since the symptom mentioned by you is not alarming but is bothersome/troublesome since it does affect day to day activity (specially at rest) thus in best interest it will be wise to get an examination and investigation done for further line of treatment.
Dr. Munish Sood
Consultant Physician
direct online link: bit.ly/drmunishsood