Moderately Low, High Cholestrol, No Heart Attacks. Was On Lipitor. Future Risk?
Thanks for writing to XXXXXXX
Myopathy (damage to muscles) caused by statins is a serious issue and should not be taken lightly. You must discuss with your doctor to ascertain that if it is really myopathy or just muscle pains associated with statin usage. He may do a few blood tests to know that.
It is not established that stopping statins suddenly will cause an overnight heart attack or stroke or any other XXXXXXX concerns. But yes over a period of time the risk of these problems will increase as you have high cholesterol.
I would recommend you to report your symptoms to your doctor; Let him investigate this and he may chose to stop these medicines for the time being and will give you substitutes which can lower cholesterol. If everything comes clean he may start another statin at a lower dose to see the effects.
I hope its clear now. Feel free to discuss further.
sukhvinder XXXXXXX
Also, what are the possible issues if cholesterol goes too low due to statin drugs? I feel my levels are too low at this point and am concerned.
I apologize if my previous mail was not clear. Let me try again.
Statin can be stopped cold turkey; however I would not like you to stop the drug on your own. Rather I would like you to see your cardiologist because
- If at this time you stop the drugs on your own, your physician may miss the damage caused to your muscles by statins for future reference. Moreover it is not wise to stop or start drugs on your own. We do stop statins abruptly whenever we suspect serious side effects due to statins like rhabdomyoysis/myopathy.
- Whatever way you stop them , the risk for future heart attack/ strike will go on increasing , if you have uncontrolled high cholesterol levels.
If your cholesterol levels come too low, we can always adjust the dose for statins. There are no proven side effects of low cholesterol caused by statins. There are anecdotal reports of long term low cholesterol causing Parkinsonism / high risk of cancer, etc.; but not related to acute decrease caused by statins.
Hope it’s clearer to you now.
Sukhvinder XXXXXXX