My Father Is 100 Years Old And Was Diognised In
Is going for a second line of treatment at this age and this health condition helpful ( minimized dose) or it will do more harm than benifit? and if we decided to not go for the treatment what we should expect in the matter of pain and tumor progress and life expectancy?
Thank you
P.S he can not do any ct or bt scan due to his renal function
attached are his last blood tests
thank you
Prostatic carcinoma
Detailed Answer:
Dear Bishara,
Thanks for posing the question through H C M. Firstly I am happy that your father was under control of prostatic Cancer with only one regime of chemotherapy for 16 years a rare instance. Normally after some time of treatment the patient becomes resistant and the second line has to be started. since your father has not a good medical condition and the rise in PSA level is not very alarming you can observe him on the same treatment. If there is marked rise in PSA then very low dosage of second line can be started which will not be nephrotoxic and cardiotoxic. your doctor will advise accordingly. As per my experience when one regimen of drugs fails the other regimen is also not very effective and if responsive it will be insignificant