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Trisomy is a condition where you hae 3 (instead of 2) chromosomes. There are generally 23 pairs of chromosomes, each is numbered from 1 to 22 with the 23rd pair being the "sex chromosomes XX or XY.
Most miscarriages in the first trimester are associated with chromosome anomalies, and trisomy 9
(three No. 9 chromosomes) is among the most frequent anomaly found in
miscarriages (about 7-8% of miscarriages), and only trisomy 16 (about
16% of miscarriages) is more frequent.
Trisomy 9 and trisomy 16 are usually not compatible with a normal fetus, and they often abort early on in the first months before the fetus develops.
Chances of having another trisomy 9
pregnancy again in another pregnancy are more likely than not by chance,
since you have had 3 recurrent abortions the chances of spontaneous normal pregnancy further decreases.
better option for you will be
in vitro fertilization.
may god help you.