I'm at my rope's end. My 74 year old mother is waking up with heart palpitaions and night sweats. She's convinced that they're caused by another member of our household who smokes marijuana and simply won't take his habit outside. She shuts herself up in her room. as do I, but he fires up an average of 2-3 times a day, either in the living room or the den, and she insists that every time it happens, she goes into the one of these rooms and catches him in the act. It should also be mentioned that she is currently under a tremendous amount of stress from
external factors.
I can't get her to go to her doctor, because she's afraid the secondhand exposure to marijuana will show up in either her blood or urine, making the doctor think that she's a user.
In your opinion, is it the marijuana, or the stress causing her palpitaions, or the stress? Can she be allergic?
Obviously, she needs to go to the doctor to ascertain exactly why she has this problem, but can secondhand exposure to his habit cause her to test positive as a user?