I have been having left side abdominal pain for 5 days now, accompanied by lack of appetite and nausea. I went to the doctor who did a pelvic exam, found nothing, and sent me for an ultrasound. They found a "moderate" amount of fluid around the left ovary, which they believe is the result of a ruptured cyst. The pain is relatively mild and moves from my left side toward the middle of my abdomen and back, then back to the left again. I never had the severe, sharp stabbing pains that many report with rupturing cysts. I am 27 years old and have only had one period since giving birth to my daughter a year ago (I was breastfeeding until recently). Also, the last two days I have had a mild fever (around 99 degrees).
I am concerned that this isn't getting better and that the doctors don't really know that it's a cyst, they are just guessing. Any advice for me?