I already know this question is silly, and pretty much know the answer, but I am one of those people if I read symptoms of something, I freak out. Well back in mid Augusts, there was a sexual contact (penetration without ejaculation ..as far as my knowledge), and then since my periods have been normal with 2 negative pregnancy tests one in early september, and the other on october 18..however between pack 5 and 6 was a two day gap, and from day 9-day ofpack six to day 1 of pack 7, I was bleeding ...it was a light brown discharge at first, then moved to deep brown, then finally to a regular period about the normal time...Is there any possibility of pregnancy, at all? The only things that really alarmed me were an increase of regular vaginal discharge ,gurgling in my abdomen , slightly hard lower abdomen (possibly from increased activity) and the fact I can t suck my stomach in all the way anymore, I guess. I am being silly beyond belief, but I just want to get a second opinion, a second valid opinion. Thank you for your time and immense patience, considering how absolutely ridiculous my question is.