Hello there!
Pain is the gift of prcedures , bowel chemistry changes, adhesions occur after manipulation,
tubal ligation and
hysterectomy, so nearby adhesions might be the reason for your pain,
Going often to washroom explains freequency issues. is it urine or stools, if urine get a urine routine exam and if stools modify the diet with more fiber in it.
it hurts on breathing with kinda wanna throw up these symptoms occur when
gall bladder is in trouble. tpo be on the safer road do a simple ultrasound abdomen and pelvis with serum amylase urinary amylase amylase to lipase ratio and plain digital abdominal xray AP view.
Constipation gives a suspicion of
ovarian pain, chocolate cysts are associated with alternate diarrohea and constipation.. an ultrasound will help.. ,mean while try some antispaasmodics like spasfon, and nsaids,
i hope this would help, i am here if you need me
Dr shafi ullah khan
My patient is my family