i am having abdominal pain for last two months. The Pain mostly starts after eating or drinking. this is a dull pain having slight burning sensation type. in last two months there are around 20 days ( like 6 days, 3, days 2 days in between ) when there was no to negligible pain. rest of the days there was on and off pain i mean pain starts and goes off o its own. 4-5 times the intensity of pain was high can give it 6-7 out of ten ( i had to take cyclospam or rantac 150 mg). I had to go to loo 2-3 times in the morning. Initial stool is ok and then it is very loose. After some times like 10-15-20 min i have to again go to the loo and the subsequent stool is very loose. i have also noticed food particles (like tomato peels in the stools). Also i have this bloating type of thing in my stmoch, i mean my stocmach is like expanded to its maximum level when there is abdominal pain. The Pain usually subsides after rantac 150 mg. I have under taken blood test which was normal. Ultra Sound which was also normal. I was then asked to under go CT scan, which also turned out to be normal. The doctor has recommended IBSCIM thrice daily. Have started the medicine today. The Doctor is recommending endoscopy and colonoscopy i have till now avoided them, but want to seek second opinion that what should be my next course of action should be I am 38yrs male in india. I havent lost any weight.