Hello and welcome to health care magic
I am a jr. to and cardiologist and read your mail in detail. I am little bit confused whether you have irregular heart beat or Palpitations (
increased heart rate). If you have Palpitations and you feels that your heart is pumping very fast and it lasts upto few minutes or hours than resolve by itself, than it is AF (Atrial
Fibrillation) or PSVT (Paroxysmal Supra
ventricular Tachycardia). EKG alone is enough to diagnose it. If you have such kind of episode again than do your EKG and consult your Cardiologist. It can be treated by beta-blockers or Calcium channel blockers.
If you have irregular pulse and not tachycardia than you might need Holter examination which records about one lac heart beats in 24 hours as EKG pattern. If the irregular pulse pause between two consecutive beats is more than 3 second in holter examination or your pulse rate drops less than 40 at night while you are sleeping than you might need PPI (Pacemaker
Implantation). If holter examination is with in normal limits than irregular pulse can be converted into
sinus rhythm by medication.
The tumor in your head and your heart problem are not related with each other. Before surgery you have to get the treatment of your irregular rhythm.
Ecosprin your are taking is a
anticoagulant or blood thinner, which is indicated in AF but if you are going to have surgery than you have to stop Ecosprin.
So my advice is to consult your cardiologist and follow his advice.
Get well soon
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Bhatia
Health Care Magic