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You can apply skin lightening ointment available in the market, buy a good quality preferably herbal product. Local application of ointment
Betnovate at bed time will also reduce the black spots and marks.
1. You should also apply natural bleaching agents like lemon juice ( mixed with flour) at least once daily before you take bath. Avoid taking warm showers.
2. Avoid exposure in sunlight.
3. Use a good quality sunscreen lotion whenever you are out doors.
4. Wear cotton loose fitting dress to avoid
skin allergy of any kind.
5. Keep yourself well hydrated.
6. Local application of mashed yellow papaya pulp is also a natural skin lightener.
To avoid getting
acne, take fresh fruits, veggies, avoid oily food, plenty of water. Get clinically examined. Get your
hormonal levels assessed. Doxycycline -100 mg can help reduce acne, take the medication after consultation with a doctor and a proper prescription. Take care.