Thanks for posting your query.
With the available described symptoms, there appears to be possibility of decreased gastrointestinal motility.
Presence of acute bloating with heaviness suggest the diagnosis.
You should consult with your treating doctor and internal medicine specialist and should go for thorough check up.
You should go for
complete blood count, serum electrolytes, blood sugar, and thyroid profile.
You should also go for
ultrasound imaging for better clarification.
Although your symptoms suggest the role of
endoscopy but with
pregnancy status its better to avoid.
Requirement of endoscopy will be decided by your primary doctor.
You should take
proton pump inhibitors along with prokinetics for relief of your symptoms.
Keep difference of 3 hours between food and meals.
You should take frequent small meals to avoid heaviness.
Take care,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava