Hello, I am in a HORRID situation. I have been addicted to opiates for@6yrs. Went to the doc, got suboxone, was recovery nicely. Then, I lost my insurance. I got access to methadone, and have been on this for@3months. I am currently withdrawing... have 3 methadone left (lower dosage ones) I am trying to make it through until Friday when I get paid and have an appt. with my suboxone dr. How can I BEST survive this withdrawal? Try to spread these methadone out.... (still sick, was taking 3-4 of the higher doses daily) now, I will have 1/2 of the lower dose to tske a day) Will I be functional on this? I dont want to lose my job. I CANT. Should I ask my dr. to switch me from suboxone to methadone? PLEASE help.