I feel bad all the time. After I eat, my heart beats fast. I have heart pains daily. The pains are like a "pulling" feeling in my heart, or an "ache", it's hard to explain. Sometimes my heart flutters, or skips a beat. One time in particular, my heart would beat normal a beat, the flutter a beat or "echo" beat, over and over for an hour.
Also when I first wake up I can't breathe very well, kinda like an asthma attack, every morning. This is accompanied by a tightness, or sometimes a fullness in my chest.
As I said, I feel all, or part of these symptoms everyday of my life, and have for about a year now. I never have a day without some sort of chest pain, or breathing issue.
I am 33 years old. I was diagnosed years ago with anxiety/panic disorder, which I have battled for 10 years now. But these symptoms I have described above, have only begun in the last year.
Could these symptoms result from years of panic attacks? Or am I a hypochondriac? I worry all the time what is wrong.
I have no money to go to the doctor, and no insurance. How do you see a doctor, when they want to be pre-paid around here?