Am I crazy to think I might be having a heart attack? Before you start saying go to the doctor , I already have. I got an EKG , and they checked everything, and had no answers. So, 6 days ago I started to experience slight chest pain and aching in my left arm. My first thought was heart attack but I m only 32! I m also thin with good blood pressure . I do however have kind of high cholesterol and my father had a heart attack when he was 50. Anyway, this pain has kind of come and gone and moved around over the last 6 days. Now my lungs kind of hurt, like there is fluid in them and I occasionally have the urge to cough. I ve been feeling flushed sometimes, but not too often. I went to the doctor on day 2 and they performed an EKG and other basic tests on me and sent me home with a prescription for Prilosec. That doesn t seem to be helping though. I don t experience any pain at night. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be wrong with me? I m really frustrated and scared that something really is wrong with my heart! The pain is never bad, just enough to freak me out! It s usually on the far left around my armpit or under my left breast. Sometimes I ll go hours without feeling it but if I think about it it comes back. Sometimes it just comes back on it s own. My back also hurts sometimes.