Two years ago, my husband had a heart attack that the doctors called the widow maker . Having anxiety attacks , he has become a person that is hard to live with. I know this was dangerous, but he had good doctors, and a pacemaker. I am afraid this anxiety is going to cause another attack. He takes his blood pressure at least 15 times a day. When it reads high, it is more. He does no exercise, except walking through the house. A friend brought him a treadmill, which he has yet to use. He says it hurts him. I ve tried to get him to walk in the park, but he says it is either to hot or too cold . I changed his diet and he lost a several pounds. He is 62 now and weighs 164. He watches his salt and fat intake. Every pain he gets he says that it is the just like the one when he had his heart attack. We haven t had sex in over 2 years. He seems afraid. He does work, but it is nothing strenuous. At home he says he can t do anything as simple as fixing a leaking sink. I think he is his own worst enemy. I myself had a heart attack and 2 strokes and even though I may not have had it bad as him, I still try to do things around the house, work in the yard and walk in the park, and I have arthritis in both knees and have to walk with a cane. I tell him he is going to cause himself to have another heart attack. Could I be wrong? Or is he looking forward to having another one?