Thanks for your query.
I will try my best to provide you with best possible professional recommendations to your questions.
Change in the color of the stool might be due to the food that you have consumed in the night. I don't think you need to worry about this, passing of dark colored stool once in while is perfectly normal.
Abdominal pain might be due to
indigestion and causes include eating too much, eating too fast, eating high-fat foods, or eating during stressful situations, stress and
As the symptoms have cleared i advice you not go for any drugs presently for this symptoms.
To prevent this you can try drink fluids after rather than during meals, avoid late-night eating, try to relax after meals, avoid spicy foods.
There are a variety of treatments available for controlling
anxiety, including several effective medications and specific forms of
psychotherapy. I advice you to consider this.
Yet again, I do hope that you have found something helpful and I will be glad to answer any further query.