Four months ago, I had radical surgery to remove 8 tumors, One was a pheochromacytoma on my left adrenal bed, the first pheo was removed two years previous, there were two tumors on my spleen, so they removed my whole spleen, there was a tumor on the tail of my pancreas, so they removed about a third of my pancreas and then there were two that were on my liver, so they removed them too. Since this surgery, I have been rehospitalized because of vomiting and diarrhea and severe abdominal pain. I was told that I have necrosis of the fatty tissue surrounding my liver, stomach and pancreas. Ok, I have been home from the hospital this time about two weeks and for the last week, I have developed a very rattly cough, and the vomiting and diarrhea has returned. The Diarrhea is constant and I don t always make it to the bathroom in time. It is orange with allot of mucus and very liquidy. Can you help me?