Hello ma'am and welcome to HCM
Firstly it is necessary to find the cause of your
hair fall. In your case it is most probably genetic.
Other things to check for are low iron and
hemoglobin, thyroid problems, stress, pollution, fever, typhoid, certain medication etc.
hormonal changes, menstrual problems etc.
You must keep on mind that hair growth follows a particular cycle and new follicles and hairs have to grow over time. These sera like Q-sera help in this process. There is no instant cure to make hair grow. The underlying cause has to be treated to see best results and prevent it from coming back. Any treatment needs to be taken over a few months to see good results.
Nutritious diet and rest is also required to help hair grow well. Add a hair supplement like Biotin or
follihair capsule daily.
Renocia or anaphase shampoo will help with growth.
First hair fall will reduce and then new hairs will grow. You will see improvement in 2-3 months but Do take the treatment regularly.
At a later date if there is no change at all, you may consult your
dermatologist regarding surgical methods like PRP etc.
Hope this helps you.