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Dr. Andrew Rynne
Dr. Andrew Rynne

Family Physician

Exp 50 years

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Are PVCs Along With Fainting And Fatigue A Matter Of Concern?

I have been having pvcs very frequently Ives the past 6 weeks. I have lost consciousness and was taken to ER by ambulance, with pvcs, pacs and bigemeny. I again was in ER with near syncope with PCs and bigemeny. I feel like I m on hold as I feel tired and unable to carry on my usual activities. ER docs say everything is fine. Just irregular beats. Frustrated!
Tue, 14 Aug 2018
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Internal Medicine Specialist 's  Response
Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice.

Remature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are the most common cause of irregular heart rhythms.If PVCs are frequent enough to reduce the heart’s pumping ability, the individual may experience weakness, dizziness or fainting. If asymptomatic pvc no need to worry if symptomatic PVC have to be treated accordingly. Electrolyte imbalance or thyrotoxicosis or anemia or myocardial infarction may cause PVC. If symptomatic to be treated with anti arrhythmia drugs. please consult your Cardiologist he will examine and treat you accordingly.

Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
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Are PVCs Along With Fainting And Fatigue A Matter Of Concern?

Hello and Welcome to ‘Ask A Doctor’ service. I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. Remature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are the most common cause of irregular heart rhythms.If PVCs are frequent enough to reduce the heart’s pumping ability, the individual may experience weakness, dizziness or fainting. If asymptomatic pvc no need to worry if symptomatic PVC have to be treated accordingly. Electrolyte imbalance or thyrotoxicosis or anemia or myocardial infarction may cause PVC. If symptomatic to be treated with anti arrhythmia drugs. please consult your Cardiologist he will examine and treat you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.