Hello, About once every week for the past four weeks, my boyfriend and I have had unprotected sex. Now, I do know that the pull-out method used to prevent pregnancy does not work, but to be a little more safe, my boyfriend and I used this method. Two days ago, my breasts had become sore but the soreness was tolerable and only lasted for a portion of the morning. Yesterday, however, the soreness became a little more painful and lasted almost half of the day. I also began to urinate a little more frequently, going the restroom at least twice every hour. I had a slight stomach ache, too. Today, I awoke with a headache, sore arms, back pain, and also very sore breasts. It hurt just to touch them! I have also been peeing very frequently, like yesterday. I again had a stomach ache, but after using the restroom, it seemed to fade and eventually, it stopped completely. My period isn t due until a couple more days, but I wanted t ask if this could be any type of sign of pregnancy or not. I have not been stressed and I eat very healthy. My weight has been normal, and everything else also seems to be normal. but any help would be great. Thank You !!!