hi, i have been having wierd signs that arnt normal to me i think i might be pregnant but i have never been pregnant before so i dont know and i think it might be a little early to have signs but i have constant headaches and they are extreme, i feel hungry but then when i got to eat something it makes me feel so sick or i take a couple of bits and i feel like ive eatin ALOT, i am constantly tired i could have gotten plenty of sleep and be ready for bed again, but my breasts arnt really sore or hurt and the nipple part isnt any darker, dont pee more then normal but there is this yellow discharge and i think im more moody then usual....i had unprotected sex for about two weeks straight starting june 10th and its now july 4th and i dont want to take a pregnacy test yet because they area little pricey and idk if its too early....do you think im pregnant or am i just beinga little to paranoyed???