hello,i'm24 year old ,past 1 to2 week i have a problem with frequent urination(less amount & every 15-20 mins),my menstrual details are last period 22 april2011 ,and we r planning for our second baby(1 st 3year old daughter) that's why i 'm taking my tempreture regular, my cycle is not decide now some times 33 or 32 day last one32 day ,but at 22 may 2011 my temp was high 36.5(normal one 36.0 -36.2)and that day we do it,after 10 day my temp is 35.9 .before 1 or2 week i have some problems like frequent urination,down pain ,sometime feeling vomiting essetion,my panty is stying wet,disscomfort with sittingdown side ,am i pregnant,should i have to do pregnancy test?or something else suggest me?plz thank uc