US TRANSABDOMINAL / TRANSVAGINAL - Details Printer friendly page--New window will open About This Test Details Study Result Impression Small anterior fibroid. No specific submucosal fibroids are seen. Uterus has a somewhat marginal/arcuate configuration Presumed right crenated follicle Attending: Joy Sclamberg on 02/13/2017 2:17 PM Narrative EXAM: US TRANSABDOMINAL / TRANSVAGINAL, 2/13/2017 2:10 pm HISTORY: r/o leiomyoma Visit for gynecologic examination COMPARISON: None TECHNIQUE: Transabdominal and endovaginal images were obtained. FINDINGS: Transabdominal images show the urinary bladder to be partially distended and otherwise unremarkable. The uterus is anteverted measuring 9.1 x 4.7 x 6.0 cm. Ovaries are not well seen transabdominallyOvaries have a grossly unremarkable transabdominal appearance. No adnexal mass lesions are seen. Transvaginal imaging was performed for better assessment of the endometrium and ovaries. A small intramural fibroid seen anteriorly measures about 0.9 cm. The uterus has a somewhat marginal/ arcuate configuration. The endometrium is normal in thickness measuring 8 mm. There is trace free fluid in the cul de sac which is within physiologic range The right ovary measures 3.2 x 2.2 x 2.5 cm and contains a thick walled cystic structure measuring 2.6 cm with peripheral flow suggestive of a crenated follicle. Left ovary measures 2.9 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm. Component Results There is no component information for this result. General Information Collected: 02/13/2017 2:10 PM Resulted: 02/13/2017 2:18 PM Ordered By: Joseph M Maurice, MD Result Status: Final result..I COPIED AMD PASTED MY EXACT TEST RESULTS FROM MY CHART PROFILE WITH RUSH HOSPITAL, IN CHICAGO... I HAVE HAD A REMOVAL OF AN ENDOMETRIOD IN DECEMBER, 2008..-AND A MAJOR MYOMECTOMY IN JANUARY, 2015. BOTH HAS BEEN TO MY RIGHT SIDE. MUCH INTRUSION HAS TAKEN PLACE ON MY RIGHT SIDE. ALSO, I HAVE ENDOMETRIOSIS. I HAVE BEEN IN INCREASING PAIN TO ME LOWER RIGHR SIDE. PLEASE HELP ME TO INTERPRET THESE TEST RESULTS. I GO BACK TO SEE MY DOCTOR ON MARCH 8,2017...FOR A FOLLOW UP. I AM EXTREMELY CONCERNED ABOUT THIS ONGOING PAIN.