Pls suggest on these reports. What can make me pregnant .Serum LH value-4.4 mIU/ml, Serum FSH levels 2.3mIU/ml, Serum Prolactiv Level- 15.7 ng/ml, Thyroid Stimulating hormone- 1.76uIU/ml, Serum Testosterone-35.0ng/dl on day 3 of menstruation . The ultrasound report on day 10 of cycle-Scan shows anteroverted uterus of normal echo pattern and contous n measuring 60X42X29mm. Thickness of endometrium is5.4mm. No mass lesion or gestation sac seen in the uterus. Multiple small follicles in both ovaries. Right ovary- 27X27X19mm(vol.7.2cc), Left Ovary- 44X46X16mm(vol. 17.21cc). The POD is clear. Impression: B/L P.C.O.D. What should be the next steps. I am very stressed out on reading on this on internet and hearing from so many people.