Thanks for using Healthcaremagic,
After going through all the details, you are taking amlodipine and having palpitations( Possibly fast heartbeat or irregular heartbeats) but it is not clear from your description for which condition you are taking this drug.
Certainly increasing dose will increase chances of palpitation and other side effects. It may not have lasting consequences once it is stopped if side effects are due to this drug they must disappear completely.
Common side effects are palpitation (up to 4.5%). Arrhythmia
thmia (including
ventricular tachycardia and atrial
fibrillation), Bradycardia, hypotension, peripheral ischemia,
postural hypotension, tachycardia, and oedema over legs.
Headache, Liver problems.
You can discuss with treating Physician your symptoms and if necessary dose can be reduced and other drug like
beta Blocker may be added to achieved desired result with minimum side effects.
If this drug is given to you for
High blood pressure there are many alternatives available to choose.
The treating doctor is best judge to decide what is best for you.
Hope this helps.
Take care.
Good Luck.
Dr.Akhilesh Dubey M.D.