My father is 80 years old. He has mitral valve regurgitation for the past 10 years. Now for the past 8 months he has atrial fibrillation . He has breathing problems. Besides this, he peripheral veritigo and diabetes. After this attack of peripheral vertigo some 3 years back, his walking capacity came down drastically. For the past 8 months he is not able to get out of the house for anything. He is not able to climb steps. We are staying in first floor. At present he finds it difficult even to balance and walk within the house and giddiness frequents almost once in three days. At nights he develops breathing problems again, like 8 months before. At present he takes tablet vertin 16 mg thrice a day. For cardiac problem, he takes 1.ASP Atorva, 2.Sartel, 3.Seloken XL, 4.Biduret, 5.Calaptin, 6. Digoxin , 7.Warf. For the present we are advised to take tablet doxolin for five days. Will it help?