Yes, I had a baclofen pump placed in me ... made me too nauseous and constipated and I had the pump shut off. At that time I was told the procedure was reversed and I've kept what I thought was a dead baclofen pump in me, through mri's and everything since 2006. No further care was suggested by the baclofen doctor, so I've pretty much ignored it the best I could as it does protrude and gets hit on counters and door jambs that cause great pain for a while. Now the pump has been beeping for about a week, it took me a few days to realize it wasn't the computer, tv, or the car but it was the pump. I don't know if by coicidence I slept on my neck wrong but I am experiencing some occassional sharp shooting pains shooting up the back of my skull. I also wasn't happy with the surgery or surgical team and refuse to go back to them. What do you suggest