It is likely that you are having
pectus excavatum or
funnel chest which can be confirmed on physical examination and CT CHEST.
Pectus Excavatum in India is something the Medical fraternity has ignored for long, because primary physicians have never got any positive response from the Surgeon community. So it gets labeled as a cosmetic defect and is imbibed in the minds of the parents who initially seek remedy and later are frustrated with further consultations with doctors, It is when the child grows that he is aware of his
I am an Indian Thoracic surgeon trained in repair of chest wall deformity using a minimally invasive technique. I see this problem as three fold and surgery aiming to correct it to near perfection, I feel cosmetic is 3rd in order of importance
1. Surgery will improve the functioning of heart and lungs.
2. Psychosocial improvement in the persons self esteem
3. Cosmetically a near normal chest with barely visible scar.
The correction of pectus deformity is done at Fortis Hospital Noida, NCR Delhi.
For details contact or write to
Dr LM.Darlong
Chest Wall Deformity Clinic
Fortis hospital Noida
Mobile +91-9958919595