hello, i recently shaved and then had protected sex with a partner who is checked every month for STDs and is clean. afterwards, i got many small, almost blistery-looking bumps only in the area of my pubic hair (i checked everywhere else, and there is nothing, though other parts of my vulva are painful, though they have no blisters). these blisters only hurt when they are touched, and i felt better this morning after not wearing underwear all night in hopes of reducing friction (there was no pain this morning at all unless i touched them directly with pressure), but by the end of today it was a bit painful to walk again because i had to work and had no choice but to be walking a lot and moving around. i'm terrified that i've somehow gotten herpes or warts, though taking a hot bath helped and so did aloe vera cream. i'm going to go to the doctor this week, but am freaking out right now. could this be folliculitis?