Hello, I'm a 28 year old male, and I have been experiencing a problem for about 2 weeks now. It started out of nowhere, no previous experiences like this. I have a problem with my abdomen. It's bloated and makes noises. I also have a mild/medium pain im my right side right under the ribcage. If I push on that part, it makes popping noises. Putting any pressure makes it hurt more, and when sitting it tends to hurt continuously rather than when laying down it hurts only when pushed on. It doesn't hurt in the morning, right after sleep, although comes back after a couple of hours of being awake. Have trouble sleeping, waking up in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep. I gets lots of gas after eating most foods, I burp more in one day that I would usually in a month. The pain is not limited to just the right side, it's on the left side as well, and goes down to my belt line on both sides of the abdomen, alternating throughout. Pain moves up and down slowly, and pain under right ribcage is the most frequent. Pushing on that side and making the popping noise a few times seems to releive the pain for a period of time. I do not have a lot of money, and going to a doctor for an extended check up is problematic. I'm going to a walk-in clinic tomorrow, as the symptoms are not getting better. It might be getting worse, although very slowly, same pains day after day. Is this life threatening? How serious could it be? I'm guessing it's gallbladder related. I induced vomiting this morning after sleep, and yellow fluid came out. Acidic, I'm guessing it's bile. It never looked this rich in color before, it's really yellow, not slightly yellow, which is normal. No constipation. Stool was solid until last night, I had diarrhea. I've tried Gas-x Extra strength, relieves the gas/pain( not all) for a couple of hours, no long term relief. Also tried Activated Charcoal. I feel much better in the mornings if I eat 3-4 charcoal pills. Everything appers to be gone, and then it comes back, usually after a meal. I lose appetite due to bloating after breakfast and don't eat lunch. I'm hungry again for dinner, but then the burping, bloating, pains resume. I'm sorry if it's too much info, I tried to be thorough. Thanks in advance for any and all advice. I'll say this again, money is a problem for me, otherwise I would have went to a doctor by now.