My 3 1/2 year old son gets bloated, espcially at night. A few hours later, usually late in the evening, or in the middle of night, he wakes up and starts throwing up. It seems he throws up food he has eaten throughout the day. We had taken him to to a pediatric gastroentorologist about 8 months ago. The doctor advised he may be alergic to lactose and receommended lactaid milk. Also, doctor advised that before eating any cheese, milk products, etc., he should take lacataid tablet. We even had, and still have, childerens tums cherry tablets for when he got or gets bloated. All this advice worked for some time, then he went back to doing the same thing. He s been doing it more often lately. I remember the pediatric gastroentorologist saying that if he continued throwing up food that had been eaten ealier in the day, another test would have to be run to see if he is digesting his food too slow. We had not gone back to perform this test since he had gotten better. Now, offcourse, we feel a need to go back to the pediatric gastroentorologist Any advice/ help. Thanking you in advance.