Dear Sir
I would like to know your detailed history , that how you were diagnosed to have CHF.
What was the cause of it, other then your advancing age and
smoking. You must have been evaluated by your doctor.
How about your blood sugar levels.
Do you have breathlessness, Swelling in lower limbs?
I need to know your detailed history.
Now, i ll tell you about your question. If you have CHF , Your heart muscles ae weak.
The best drugs for this purpose that we use in our daily practise are of group ACE inhibitors and Beta Blockers, commonly used to treat
hypertension. But have been shown clinically to prevent Left Ventriclular Remodelling.
These days we prescribe patient these drugs, unless contraindicated.
You can ask your doctor for further details, and please don't start on your own, because these drugs require patient selection and monitoring, as can have serious side effects if not taken under medical supervision.
Discuss with your doctor, about anti-platelet drugs, Statins, Coronary
Angiography as you have left
bundle branch block and CHF . You may require them.
Stay Healthy
Dr Anshul