For a few years I have had a blood blister on the rim of my penis head. It's about the size of a .48 pica font period. I am pretty sure it's the result of my x-wife attempting oral sex on me about 6 years ago. At the time the indentation her tooth made was quite painful, but it went away. But the blood bubble hasn't been painful, it's just unsightful and annoying. It discourages me from having sex because of the embarrassment of this big red ugly bubble of blood on the rim of my penis head--and of course would discourage anyone, even a new marriage, from wanting sex with me because it might be confused with an STD. I used a needle just after sterilizing the sharp end with a match about a year ago. It surprised me how well it drained and for a short while the blister was gone, but the blood bubble seemed to refill again with vengeance and now it's as much this eyesore as much as ever. Any advice on what I could do?