Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
I would come up with these possibilities for this type of blood in urine, these includes.
Blood in urine is known as haematuria .
1 Stone in
urinary tract system ( kidney , ureter ,
urinary bladder & urethra), diagnosis can be confirmed by
ultrasound of urinary tract system.
2 Neoplasm , diagnosis can be confirmed by ultrasound of urinary tract system.
Renal failure this is the most foremost reason of hematuria . Diagnosis can be confirmed by examination of
serum creatinine and blood urea .
4 Idiopathic reason , we don't find any reason of hematuria.
At present there is not a cause of concern ,so don't be panic .
First of all consult a physician and get in ultrasound of kidneys and deal accordingly.
Good luck for your husband . Dr. HET