Hi and thanks so much for the query.
I feel humbled being offered the opportunity to counsel on your health worries.
I am so sorry to hear about the blood in your urine.
Urine is produced in the kidneys and it flows through the ureters, get stored in the bladder and finally through the different parts of the urethral including the prostatic portion.
Blood in urine can come from any of these organs. Kidneys/ureter/bladder/prostate/urethra etc. It is very non specific in localising the exact problem but at good telling us to dig further and get answers.
We need to characterise this blood in urine...Quantity...all urine? Look for other urinary symptoms, abdominal pains etc before narrowing the list of options. Also, your age is going to be of great help.
For now, it can be any of the above but until you get evaluated by your
urologist, we shall continue to list even more. Please, you need a proper consultation and investigations to give you the exact answer.
Hope this helps.
Wish you good health.