Hi Doctor,
Here is my blood report, I am 36yrs Male, wight 108Kgs(I know I am Obese) ht 174cms, started dieting and some excercises, reduced wgt of 3kgs in 3months
I am not under any medication so far....., plz refer to the report and advise, any immediate attention needed apart dieting and excercise...
HbA1c H.P.L.C 6.8 %
Reference Range :
Below 6.0% - Normal Value
6.0% - 7.0% - Good Control
Reference Range :
90 - 120 mg/dl : Excellent Control
121 - 150 mg/dl : Good Control
HEMOGLOBIN 13.3 g/dL Male : 13.3-17.7
IRON PHOTOMETRY is 40.3 μg/dl Reference Range : Male : 70 - 180
TOTAL IRON BINDING CAPACITY (TIBC) is 363.5 μg/dl Reference Range :Male: 225 - 535 μg/dl
% TRANSFERRIN SATURATION CALCULATED 11.09 % Reference Range : 13 - 45
Remarks : Alert !!! Hypochromia
Lipid Profile:
TOTAL CHOLESTEROL 179 mg% Range 125 - 200
HDL CHOLESTEROL - 31 mg% Range 35-80
LDL CHOLESTEROL - 119 mg% Range 85 - 130
TRIGLYCERIDES 160 mg% Range 25 - 200
TC/ HDL CHOLESTEROL RATIO -5.8 Range Ratio 3.0 - 5.0
LDL / HDL RATIO 3.8 Range Ratio 1.5 - 3.5
VLDL CHOLESTEROL 32 mg% Range 5 - 40
Thyroid Profile:
TOTAL TRIIODOTHYRONINE (T3) C.L.I.A - 126 ng/dl Range 60 - 200
TOTAL THYROXINE (T4) C.L.I.A 10.1 μg/dl Range 4.5 - 12.0
THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE (TSH) C.L.I.A 3.84 μIU/ml Range 0.30 - 5.5
Thanks for all your advise in advance...