Hi, I have a problem with my right foot . It s been there for some time, and I went to a podiatrist for a bone spur on the top of my foot. He wasn t bothered by the blue/purplish patches on the side of my ankle. Thought maybe I d bruised it. Today in my chiropractor s office, he thought my right ankle felt warm, whereas the left was cool. Now I notice a purplish color all along the right side of my right foot and a couple purple patches on the side of the heel and ankle. I should mention I did water aerobics this morning - jumping on a rough bottomed floor of the pool. I plan to get some rubber shoes for that. As to the bone spur, the podiatrist said if it really bothered me, and it hurts a bit sometimes, he could fuse it where the dent in the center is, but preferred not to unless I really needed it. I heard someone else say she had one there and her doctor shaved it off. It s a delicate place to operate, but it is bothering me. What do you think. I sense my foot swelling and on the bottom it feels a little pulled . Thanks for reading all this. Alison J.