Hello, my name is Justin. I m 20 yrs. old and work at McDonalds. It started thursday. My body started to feel funny. Come saturday and my body started Aching. Then it got worse, and I felt completely drained. I went to work and worked an 8 hour shift, then came home and slept for 6 1/2 hours, then woke up and went to work again on sunday. I felt a lot better after I slept but my voice has been getting more and more horse. Now it has gotten a lot worse. The right side of my throat, like almost under my jaw line is starting to feel uncomfortable when I swallow, and I can t stop clearing my throat. My phlem is yellow. but a bright shade of yellow, but not anything spectacular. I just recently developed a cough. but not a bad cough. my voice is beginning to break up when I speak, like parts just don t come out.