Hi Monika,
Exclusively breast feed child usually gets the complete nutrition from mother's breast milk.
However, there are certain circumstances where additional nutrition of Vitamin, Calcium, Iron are necessary.
1. Baby gets the storage of iron/ calcium from mother in 3rd trimester (last 3 months) of
pregnancy. If your child was born prematurely, the storage was not done. These babies need supplementary nutrition to back up their growth and storage.
2. Diet of mother is important factor. Improper diet may cause inadequate nutrition level in breast milk. Common deficiencies found are Vitamin D, B12 . Vitamin D is deficient in breast milk of even well nourished mothers. So it may be necessary to supplement your baby with these vitamins (or a
multivitamin). Vitamin D is also necessary for absorption of Calcium from gut. So a
vitamin-D deficiency can also cause
Calcium deficiency.
3. Calcium is very important for child's bone growth. Adequate supply of calcium is therefore necessary in this period.
As, your
pediatrician has already examined your baby and prescribed these medicine, he/she had definitely considered these facts. So, please continue the medicine as his / her prescription.
Feel free to post, if you have more queries.