Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
Since last year you got
heart attack & now taking blood thinners.
Now you are having
chest pain ,but you haven't mentioned the side of chest pain ?
Heart burn ,you yourself judges ,if you are right then take treatment .
In my opinion this pain may be,
Esophagitis due to tension and stress of old disease . Blood thinners also causes gastritis .
Simultaneously many factors may be the reason of heart burn or esophagitis.
2 May be due to heart pain ,if this pain is on the left side and radiates to left shoulder or chin ( left side).
In my opinion please consult a physician and get his opinion for both heart and gastritis.
Since one year passed ( of previous heart attack) so
angiography may help to locate the disease in coronary arteries or its branches.
Upper endoscopy will confirm any disease in stomach or esophagus.
Good luck.