Hi so it all started about a month ago when i went to a cvs minute clinic because i thought i had a urinary tract infection . I did and i took bactrum for three days. Still about five days later the syptoms came back: burning itching, urinationg frequently. I got diagnosed again and given the same medicine for ten days. But, about a week later the burning ant itching came back and pain in my swollen clitoris . I took monistat 3 because i thought it was a yeast infection and the symptoms mostly went away. now it is about two weeks later and they are back. The burning and itching is now onlyl very mild but the clitoris is still swollen. It has been constantly swollen for atleast 5 weeks now. I went to the doctor and am now taking probotics, cranbarry extract,and antiyeast medicine, but he aid it was for a yeast infection. Is the clitoris because of something else? How can i fix it? Will this medicine cure it?